NHS Repeat Prescription
Order NHS repeat prescriptions securely for yourself, your family or loved ones with our repeat prescription service.
How does it work?
- Tell us your prescription item(s), register your personal details and your GP details
- We will send your request to your GP. Once they have checked and approved the request, they will send us back the electronic prescription
- We will let you know once the prescription is ready to collect from us
It’s that easy
Simply download our prescription app ‘Manage My Meds’ register as a patient and order your repeat medication. You can also order online through our website. (Register here)
How we work with your GP
Our app is approved by the NHS and uses the NHS Login to communicate with your GP surgery.
Using NHS Login has several benefits:
- Connect to your GP record to select the prescription item(s) you need from a list of authorised and due items, without worrying about spelling, quantity or strength.
- Prescription requests are directly sent to your GP's system, which means that they're often approved quicker.
- Any changes your GP makes to your repeat medication will be updated in your account so your medicines are always up to date.
Please speak to a member of the team if you have any questions or would like some help to sign up to our app.